maanantai 31. maaliskuuta 2014

Iisi biisi.

Lauantaina Mummun kaapattua pojat yökylään, reippailimme Matin kanssa kirjastoon. 
Tässä päivän saaliit. Ei liene vaikea arvata mikä kirja kuuluu kenellekin.

Ja sitten lueskeltiin.

Nassut partsilla kohti aurinkoa.

Spessuja valoja & varjoja.

Spessu bändi & meidän biisi.

In the distance, far away but clear
Was a light that blinded everything and near,
Was an opening so inviting
That question and fear just disappeared
Then the path was seen
Like recalling dreams
With the wits of knowing them both apart

Hold on
Hold onto the feeling that pulls us through

And we will survive time after time
And all these dreams we speak
And words we read won't be
Just ink and lead, or sound from breath
Better left just burning in the coals

Hold on
Hold onto the feeling and the reason to
Hold on
Hold onto these four words, "In love with you"

It seems like we have the same dreams
It seems like we want the same things
A beginning
So right now, there's no doubt

Hold on
Hold onto the feeling and the reason to
Hold on
Hold onto these four words, "In love with you"

Iltasella Jenni & Ilkka poikkesivat ilostuttamaan iltaamme. 

Sunnuntai oli iisi biisi.
Levylautaselle päätyi reggae recipe. 

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